Call for papers

lundi 9 décembre 2024

« Japan in British photography. Around Michael Kenna’s photography »

Friday, November 14, 2025 at Lycée Champollion, Grenoble (France)

Tuesday, April 15, 2025 by email (jejaponphotobrit

Project supported by the University of Grenoble-Alpes, transversal axis Cultural Creation and Territory(ies) of the ILCEA4 EA 7356 laboratory (Institute of Languages ​​and Cultures of Europe, America, Africa, Asia and Australia)

The Lycée Champollion inaugurates a series of international workshops focusing on the various themes and techniques associated with the photography of Michael Kenna (1953-...), a British photographer exhibited worldwide.

This first workshop aims to shed light on one of the major sources of inspiration for his work : the representation of Japan. Indeed, Michael Kenna has devoted numerous exhibitions and monographs to depictions of the Land of the Rising Sun, as evidenced by his series devoted to the island of Hokkaido. His black-and-white photographs, with their play on hollow and saturated spaces, are reminiscent of Japanese calligraphy, and show how the country’s topography and artistic traditions have inspired his creativity.

Michael Kenna’s first visit to Japan happened in 1987. Captivated by both the landscape and Japanese philosophy, he has travelled the Japanese archipelago on numerous journeys for more than 30 years. Over the years, he has transcribed the very simplicity of nature into a series of chromatic works, in which the beauty of the landscape shines through in all its purity. From Hokkaido to Honshu, from rock formations to Buddha statues and the Japanese countryside, the photographic series Forms of Japan (2022) and Japan. A Love Story (2024) highlight the pure forms of Japan.

We invite you to follow Michael Kenna as he explores the many facets of Japan and trace its representation in the history of British photography.

The main themes covered :

  1. Japan in Michael Kenna’s work
  2. Japan in the history of British photography
  3. The role of the British in the development of photography in Japan
  4. Japan in contemporary British photography
  5. Japanese landscapes and gardens in photography
  6. Japanese traditions in photography
  7. Japanese spiritualities in photography
  8. Photography and Japanese calligraphy
  9. Photography and Japanese prints
  10. Photography and haiku


  • Papers may be published ;
  • Proposals should consist of a single file headed by the name of the lecturer : they should include a short biography (maximum one page) and the paper proposal (maximum 3,000 characters including spaces).
  • They may be written in French or English.
  • Deadline for submission to the address jejaponphotobrit : April 15, 2025.


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